
Ken's Blue Blog
Musings on "the bleedin' obvious"; views on the meaning of life, or anything else that takes my fancy.

Friday, September 03, 2004

The Ultimate Cold Cure

The next time that you think that you are getting a cold, don't waste your doctor's time by asking for a prescription that won't work; instead follow these simple steps:

  • Put your feet in a bowl of hot (not scalding) water, that has been liberally infused with a large quantity of English mustard powder, and soak them for a few minutes.

  • Peel a large onion, boil it until it is soft but still solid. Drain, put a large knob of butter on the top of it and sprinkle with black pepper. Eat whilst hot.

  • Prepare, and drink, a hot toddy consisting of; freshly squeezed lemon juice, hot water, sugar, cloves and whisky.

Follow these simple steps and you will soon be feeling better.

Naturally, if you don't feel better, then seek medical assistance.

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