
Ken's Blue Blog
Musings on "the bleedin' obvious"; views on the meaning of life, or anything else that takes my fancy.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Advice To Cretinous Students


When vermin such as this and Al-Qaeda support you, you are most very definitely on the wrong side of history!

Friday, May 10, 2024

Biden Is a Twat!


Thursday, May 02, 2024

No Bagels - From Parody To Reality!





These people are self entitled. self obsessed, feeble minded, spoilt wankers, time to take out the trash!

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Advice To American Universities


When facing an occupation by your tantrum throwing toddlers who claim to be students, do the following:

1 Shut off all power and water

2 Stop food being brought in

3 Shut off the WiFi

4 Jam their mobile phone signals

Make sure the FBI are in attendance in order to photograph them and take their prints when they emerge a few hours later!