
Ken's Blue Blog
Musings on "the bleedin' obvious"; views on the meaning of life, or anything else that takes my fancy.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Signs of The August Bank Holiday Approaching


1 It starts pissing down.

2 The heating comes on automatically.

'Twas ever thus!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Be More Robust - Lee Hsien Loong Nails It!


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Advice To The Allies of The USA


When planning a military operation, do not under any circumstances share your plans before the operation with the USA. Only brief the USA afterwards.

That way you can be assured that the plans won't be leaked to the media or your enemy!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Advice To Ukrainians Currently Occupying The Kursk Region


Install first world plumbing in the bathrooms there, this will guarantee an uprising against Putin!

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Two Tier Policing - Advice To The Ex Head of The DPP


When you have two tier policing, where certain groups are seen to be above the law and allowed to run riot yet others (eg a lady in her 70's walking down the street) are arrested, the trust in the police, the state and democracy itself dies.

Starmer, as ex head of the DPP, ought to know that. However, at the moment, his actions indicate he supports the two tier arrangement!